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  • The last date for submission of abstracts is 31st September, 2024. This deadline will be strictly observed.
  • Authors should submit abstracts with a clear understanding that the research work is original and has been conducted following all necessary regulatory approvals, including clearance from an institutional/independent ethics committee. The authors submitting the paper should also declare that all the listed authors qualify ICMJE authorship criteria.
  • Central IAP membership number is mandatory for presenting author. The presenting author should be listed as first author of the abstract. In case presenting author has applied for membership, please mention "Applied for Membership" in the membership number field.
  • MAHAPEDICON 2024 does not take responsibility for abstracts which are not considered due to wrongly entered membership number/membership application not accepted on the date of review.
  • Papers from non-members will not be accepted.


  • Abstracts must be submitted on or before 31st September 2024. Abstracts received after the deadline will not be considered.
  • Withdrawing an abstract: If you would like to withdraw your abstract, please contact the Conference Organizer. If not selected for award paper presentation, if you don’t want present as oral paper you can withdraw by informing to secretary@mahapedicon2024.com
  • Confirmation of submission: After you submit your abstract, you will receive a confirmation email containing the title of your abstract. You can re-enter the submission link at any time to view and edit your abstract until the deadline date. If you do not receive this confirmation e-mail, please contact the Abstract Management Secretariat MAHAPEDICON 2024 at secretary@mahapedicon2024.com
  • Abstracts must be submitted on or before the last date. Abstracts received after the deadline will not be considered.
  • Abstracts must be submitted online via the website at https://MAHAPEDICON2024.com/abstract/
  • Abstract should be written only in English.
  • The selection, format and mode of presentation (oral or e-poster) of free papers & e- poster and case report will be decided by the scrutinizing committee from amongst the abstracts received and authors will be informed accordingly.
  • Abstract content will be reproduced exactly as submitted, therefore proof reading beforehand is essential. Please conduct a spell check of your document, before submission as this will help avoid typographical errors.
  • Please do not submit multiple copies of the same abstract.
  • Abstracts have been previously presented at another meeting should not be submitted.
  • Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest: Abstract authors are required to disclose any conflict of interests in the submission form.
  • If you are submitting more than one abstract, you can use the same email address and password for each abstract.
  • Amending your submission:The submission form allows you to store your abstract as a DRAFT until the deadline. After the deadline if not submitted, drafts will be deleted.
  • Click on the SUBMIT button at the end of the process in order to submit your abstract. You may log in to the system later to make changes to your abstract, up to the submission deadline.  after the deadline, changes will not be possible.
  • Withdrawing an abstract: If you would like to withdraw your abstract, please contact the Conference Organiser.
  • Confirmation of submission: After you submit your abstract, you will receive a confirmation email containing the title of your abstract. You can re-enter the submission link at any time to view and edit your abstract until the deadline date. If you do not receive this confirmation e-mail, please contact the Abstract Management Secretariat MAHAPEDICON 2024 at secretary@mahapedicon2024.com

You will receive a copy of your abstract in the confirmation email, so please save your abstract accordingly for your records.


Your abstract should be submitted to one of the following categories:

  • Research Paper - The text (Body) of the `abstract' for Research papers should contain no more than 300 words. It should be structured in the following manner:
    - Objectives Methods (including statistical methods where relevant)
    - Results
    - Conclusion
    - References-Maximum 3 references can be quoted in square bracket.
    The research papers not selected for 'Oral' will be taken for 'e-Poster'.
  • Case Report -.The text (Body) of the ‘Abstract’ for Case Reports should contain no more than 300 words. It should be structured in the following manner
    - Background
    - Case characteristics (patient’s age, gender, clinical presentation)
    - Outcome (Result of tests revealing the diagnosis, response to treatment, outcome)
    - Message (one single statement directly emerging from the present case)
    Case reports will only be considered for e-posters.

Submissions must be done under one of the following topics:

You will receive a copy of your abstract in the confirmation email, so please save your abstract accordingly for your records.

  • Adolescent Pediatrics (ADOL)
  • Allergy and Immunology (ALL)
  • Cardiology (CAR)
  • Community Pediatrics (CP)
  • Emergency Pediatrics (PEM)
  • Endocrinology (ENDO)
  • Gastroenterology and Hepatology (GHE)
  • Genetics (GENE)
  • General Pediatrics (GP)
  • Growth & Development (GD)
  • Hematology-Oncology (HO)
  • Medical Education (ME)
  • Infectious Diseases & Vaccinology (ID)
  • Intensive Care & Pediatric Emergencies (IC)
  • Neonatology (NEO)
  • Nephrology (NEP)
  • Neurology (NEU)
  • Non-communicable diseases (NCD)
  • Nutrition (NUT)
  • Public Health (PH)
  • Pulmonology (PUL)
  • Rheumatology (RHE)
  • Social Pediatrics (including Child Abuse and Neglect) (SP)
  • Miscellaneous (MISC)


  • Presentation format: Authors can submit abstracts for oral and poster presentation.
  • Abstract Title: The title of the paper should be brief but adequately descriptive.
  • Body text: limited to 300 words (research & award paper) & 300 words for case report. We recommend using word-processing software (for example Word) for editing your abstract and counting the number of words. Typing your text directly into the field is not recommended. Please be sure not to include extra spaces and symbols, as these are included in the word count.
  • The text of the Abstract should be structured
  • Please do not enter any special characters, tables, references, or photos in the abstract.
  • You will be asked to confirm that you will disclose any conflict of interests in your presentation at the Forum.
  • Short CV of the presenting author is required
  • ABSTRACT ACCEPTANCE notifications will be sent by 15th September 2023.


  • By submitting an abstract, the submitting first-author confirms that all information of the abstract is correct and has been approved by the co-authors.
  • Submission of an abstract constitutes the authors consent for publication. All research-based abstracts are being planned to be published in a special supplement of Indian Pediatrics. Abstracts of case reports might also be published in a proposed new journal from IAP – Indian Pediatrics Case Reports. The scientific presentations shall be under following categories.
  • The submitting author warrants on behalf of all authors and institutions that he/she is the sole owner or has the rights of all the information and content (“Content”) provided to MAHAPEDICON 2024 (Hereafter: “The Organiser”). The publication of the abstract does not infringe any third-party rights including, but not limited to, intellectual property rights.
  • By submitting an abstract, you grant the Organiser a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, publish, translate, distribute, and display the Content.
  • By submitting an abstract, you confirm that the contact details saved in this system are those of the corresponding author, who will be notified about the status of the abstract. The corresponding author is responsible for informing the other authors about the status of the abstract.
  • The Organiser reserves the right to remove any abstract that does not comply with the above.