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Dear Esteemed Moderators,

Welcome to the Panel discussion at MAHAPEDICON 2024. Your role as a moderator is crucial in facilitating an engaging and informative discussion. Here are the guidelines for the 60 minutes session. Kindly communicate with your panelist earlier by whatsapp group or through email and advice regarding the flow of discussion:

  • Overview of Panel Discussion:
    - This session involves a panel of experts answering queries, facilitated by the moderator.
  • Session Duration
    - The session is allotted 60 minutes.
  • Introduction by Moderator:
    - Introduce the panel of experts and provide a brief overview of the session theme within a maximum of 5 minutes.
    - Initiate the discussion on the focal issue.
  • Expert Contributions:
    - You may project case scenarios or relevant subjects and ask the panelists to answer the questions.
  • Audience Interaction:
    - Allocate a minimum of 10 minutes for audience interaction.
    - Encourage participants to pose questions to the experts.
  • Q&A Format:
    - The moderator calls upon experts to answer participants' queries.
    - Other experts may react, respond, or complement the views expressed by a fellow expert.
  • Synthesis and Conclusion:
    - At the end of the session, the moderator integrates and synthesizes the different points of view presented by the experts.
    - Presents the synthesized insights to the audience.
  • Additional Guidelines:
    - Maintain a balanced and inclusive discussion, ensuring all experts have an opportunity to contribute.
    - Manage time effectively to accommodate all expert presentations.
    - Foster a collaborative and respectful environment for fruitful discussions.

Your role is instrumental in ensuring the success of this session. We appreciate your dedication to facilitating an enriching experience for all participants.
Thank you for your valuable contribution.
Best Regards,