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Dear Respected Juries,

Thank you for your commitment to the deliberative process at MAHAPEDICON 2024. Your role is pivotal in ensuring insightful discussions. Here are the guidelines for your 60-minute session, comprising three 20-minute debates.

  • **Jury-1 Responsibilities:**
    - Introduce the topic within a maximum of 2 minutes.
    - Open the topic and invite the two speakers, allowing 7 minutes each for their presentations.
    - one minute can be given for the first presenter for rebuttal
    - Close the session after both speakers have presented.
  • **Jury-1 Responsibilities:**
    - Summarize the key points of the debate within a 2-minute timeframe.
    - Provide a concise "carry home" message for the audience.
  • **Additional Guidelines:**
    - Please ensure adherence to the time limits for each segment to maintain the overall schedule.
    - Encourage speakers to present their views clearly and concisely.
    - Foster a conducive environment for a healthy and respectful debate.
  • Preparation:
    - Familiarize yourself with the background of the topic of the session you are invited to chair.
  • Arrival and Coordination:
    - Arrive at the session venue at least 15 minutes before the start.
    - Coordinate with the person in charge of the venue.
    - Be seated in the front row of the designated hall.

Your expertise and insights are invaluable in shaping the discourse at MAHAPEDICON 2024. We appreciate your dedication to this intellectual exchange.
Thank you for your commitment to making this conference a success.
Best Regards,