Register Now
Category1st August - 30th September 2024
IAP Life Members12000
Accompanying persons of IAP Members 12000
Non IAP Members 12000
Accompanying Persons of Non IAP Members12000
Senior Citizen (Completed 70 yr before 31 March 2023) IAP or NON-IAP FREE
Accompanying persons with Senior Citizens14000
PG Students9000
Corporate Delegate25000
Workshop (Per Workshop) To Be Decided
NRI Delegates300 USD


Cancellation of your MAHAPEDICON 2024 registration can be done by writing an email to the conference secretariat at conference@mahapedicon2024.com clearly stating your registration number in the subject line. The email is to be sent from the email address which was used for registration

Please Note :

  • Cancellation before 30/07/2024 will attract a cancellation fee of 25% of gross registration value (excluding GST)
  • All cancellations done between 1/08/2024 to 1/09/2024 will attract a cancellation fee of 50% of gross registration value (excluding GST)
  • All cancellations done between 1/10/2024 to 16/10/2024 will attract a cancellation fee of 75% of gross registration value (excluding GST)
  • All cancellations done post 16/10/2023 will be non-refundable
  • All refunds will be processed within 6 weeks of the completion of the conference
  • Timestamp of email will be considered as official date of cancellation request
  • GST value is non-refundable for any type of cancellation


  • Conference registration is mandatory for all delegates including accompanying children Children less than 5 years: to be registered for logistic / security reasons (no registration charges involved) Children above 5 years: to be registered under the accompanying delegate category (excluding GST)
  • PG students should submit the bona fide certificate from Head of the Department/Institution along with registration form
  • Registration is non-transferable under any circumstances
  • All remittance / bank charges / online transaction charges should be paid by the delegate
  • GST is subject to change as and when applicable
  • For any card payment additional fee will be charged as per the bank policy
  • Refund includes only the registration base amount and does not include GST & card payment charges
  • Trade category registration is non-refundable & non-transferable.
  • Photo ID is mandatory for all delegates for security reasons to enter the conference venue
  • To collect the delegate kit bag the delegate has to present the delegate badge & it would be handed over only to the registered delegate
  • For spot registrations, Delegate kit will be provided subject to availability
  • Organiser holds no liability in case the conference is cancelled or rescheduled due to force majeure including COVID-19 related circumstances
  • In case of the event being rescheduled, no cancellation fee will be charged on gross amount (excluding GST & Card payment charges) if the dates are not convenient for the delegate