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Dear Esteemed Speakers,

We appreciate your valuable contribution to MAHAPEDICON 2024. To ensure the smooth flow of the conference, we have outlined some important guidelines for your sessions. Please review the following information carefully:

  • Presentation Time Allocation:
    - 10 minutes total time: 8 minutes presentation, 2 minutes Q & A (For Rapid Fire)
    - 15 minutes total time: 12 minutes presentation, 3 minutes Q & A
    - 20 minutes total time: 15 minutes presentation, 5 minutes Q & A
    - 30 minutes total time: 23 minutes presentation, 7 minutes Q & A
    - 60 minutes total time: 50 minutes presentation, 10 minutes Q & A
  • Reminder and Assistance:
    - Two days before your session, you will receive a reminder message from the conference time managers. Save their contact number for any further assistance.
  • Slide Preparation and Hardware Requirements:
    - General instructions for preparing slides and other computer hardware requirements have been sent separately.
  • Conference Preview Room:
    - The Conference Preview Room will be operational from 7 am to 7 pm, January 25th to January 28th.
  • Presentation Loading:
    - Ensure that your presentation is loaded at least 2 hours before your scheduled session.
  • Arrival and Seating:
    - Arrive at the venue of your session at least 30 minutes before the start.
    - Coordinate with the person in charge of the venue.
    - Please be seated in the front row of the designated hall.
  • Time Management:
    - Time managers will strictly adhere to the schedule.
    - They will announce the session's beginning and invite chairpersons and speakers on stage.
  • CV Display:
    - CV(s) of speakers will be displayed in PowerPoint before the session. Include your CV as the first slide of your presentation.
  • CV Display:
    - CV(s) of speakers will be displayed in PowerPoint before the session. Include your CV as the first slide of your presentation.
  • Time Limits and Warnings:
    - A bell will ring 5 minutes before the session ends, and a final warning bell will ring 1 minute before the end.
    - The "TIME UP" slide will appear at the end of the allotted time.
  • Time Manager Instructions:
    - Time managers will remind you politely at 5 minutes and 1 minute warning bells.
    - They will inform you when the time is up and kindly request you to conclude your presentation.
  • Extension Requests:
    - Time managers cannot extend presentations due to conference protocols.
    - If time permits, 30 seconds will be given to sum up the session as a final action.
  • Post-Presentation Interaction:
    - After the talk, if time permits, chairpersons may initiate a short discussion and invite audience questions.
  • Decision Authority:
    - All decisions regarding the start, conduct, and postponement of sessions rest with conference time managers, in consultation with organizers.
  • Cooperation Request:
    - We humbly request your cooperation in making MAHAPEDICON 2024 a world-class conference.
  • Rapid Fire session:
    - Total time allotted to each session is 10 minutes ( 8 mins + 2 mins)

Thank you for your support and dedication. We look forward to a successful and enriching event.
Best Regards,