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Chairperson Guidelines for Rapid Fire/ Mixed Bag / Protocol / Guest Lecture Sessions at MAHAPEDICON 2024

To Do :

  • Q&A Mangement :
    - Assist and support the organizing and venue managers in managing the Q&A sessions after all talks in the designated session.
  • Registration Requirement:
    - Registration for the conference is compulsory for chairpersons. If not registered, click the link for registration. If already registered, please ignore.
  • All cancellations done between 1/10/2024 to 16/10/2024 will attract a cancellation fee of 75% of gross registration value (excluding GST)
  • Reminder and Assistance:
    - Expect a reminder message from conference time managers two days before your session. Save their number for further assistance.
  • Preparation:
    - Familiarize yourself with the background of the topic of the session you are invited to chair.
  • Arrival and Coordination:
    - Arrive at the session venue at least 15 minutes before the start.
    - Coordinate with the person in charge of the venue.
    - Be seated in the front row of the designated hall.
  • Time Management:
    - Time managers will announce session names and invite chairpersons and speakers on stage.
    - As CV(s) of speakers will be displayed on the big screen, please be swift in introducing the speakers. You can also abbreviate the CV to save time.
    - Ensure the session begins and completes as per the time indicated in the conference science booklet, preferably finishing five minutes before the indicated time.
  • Warning Bells:
    - A warning bell will be given 5 minutes and 1 minute before the allotted time for the talk ends.
  • Session End:
    - End the session if the speaker exceeds the allotted time for presentation.
    - After the talk ends, initiate a short discussion and invite audience questions if time permits.
    - Conference time managers are instructed on the steps to be taken in case of a speaker no-show. Please seek their assistance.

Not to Do:

  • Summarization: :
    - Please do not summarize the speaker's presentation at the end of the talk/session.
  • Projection Restart:
    - Once the time is up, do not ask to restart the projection. The speaker has to sum up without the presentation.
  • Session Extension:
    - Do not extend the session beyond the allotted time.
  • Preparation:
    - Familiarize yourself with the background of the topic of the session you are invited to chair.

Thank you for your valuable support in making MAHAPEDICON 2024 a world-class conference.
Best Regards,